What people are saying.

  • "I think I have made some massive changes… I feel more confident and supported."

    — (CYP)

  • Thanks for taking the time to find out what is important to me.

    - (CYP)

  • “I’m not holding it in… I can talk to someone.”

    — (CYP)

  • "They had a space in a busy world to explore their feelings which has been valuable."

    - (Parent)

  • "They enjoy coming to the sessions and its helped with dealing with their emotions and understanding of making sense of their surroundings."

    - (Parent/Carer)

  • "He is more understanding and accepting and mood swings are a lot better. "

    - (Parent/Carer)

  • "I enjoyed speaking about my problems, the creative side of it and being honest…"

    — (CYP)